Thursday, October 7, 2010

Expanding my vocabulary - a lesson learned at Ralphs!

I always knew that there were some vocabulary differences between English and American English - you say tomato I say tomato and all that.  However, since moving here I have tried to retain as much of my usage of the English words as possible - although I do admit that I Americanise my language so as to avoid general confusion and my better half any embarrassment when I am asking for directions to the "loo". 

It is, however, the supermarket that has given me the most trouble.  When utilising the self service checkouts I have found that my English educated vocabulary was lacking on the names of everyday fresh produce.  Now living here in LA I quickly worked out that coriander is called cilantro on this side of the ocean and of course most of Europe also call a courgette, zucchini but other things have really got me stumped.  I am pretty sure the checkout assistant thought he had a wild one when I asked holding a swede what the vegetable was called.  Even after scrolling through the pictures I hadn't managed to guess it was rutabaga.  

Hugely embarrassed but not willing to be defeated into complete Americanisation and starting to talk about trash, I have noticed some of my Englishisms have been wearing off on those around me.  My better half has recently felt poorly and my boss told me he used the phrase "all hands to the pump" in a client meeting.    My one-English girl fight to retain her Englishness is making some impact on America - one step at a time.

1 comment:

  1. How depot is worse. Wait until you need to find the adjustable spanners, or the rubbish bins.
